Sunday, January 28, 2007

Girl's Prayer Morning (with large home-made cookies!)

On the morning of Jo's birthday (27th January 2007), Jo, Sue and Ros all gathered round to Sarah's house to eat large and lumpy home-made cookies, share stuff and pray for each other! Thanks for your wonderful prayers, girls, and I know we can't wait to do this again with ALL the other girlies too!

Our grateful thanks to Dewi and Sarah for letting us use their home (especially Dewi who had to 'disappear' for the morning, and was found lurking outside of his own house hoping Jon would rescue him!)


Monday, January 22, 2007



The long awaited Launch party! Dan and Judah Rocked it ofcourse! Was great to see my bro dropping a few rhyms too!


'Secret' and Judah were brilliant. The wooden-floor bounced like a trampolene as the crowd bobbed/danced (and while I tapped my foot).

(Toggies Blog)

Monday, January 15, 2007

community discussion

Met at Dewi and Sarahs' for two gigantic lasagnes, veggie pizza and Emas legendary banoffi pie! We discussed about living 'community'! Lots of great and honest things said, lots of great different veiw points and expect there'll be many more discussions like it in the future as we journey together! Then we prayed. Then Dewi showed me his plastering and I was very impressed.

Meal at Helen and Ians'

'…on Sunday we hosted our first open community meal at Helen and Ian’s. Having talked a lot, our intention is to practice what we’ve been talking about, and learning together a lot more this year. Central to this is our desire to develop our spiritual lives around our meal-times and the day-to-day stuff of our lives – as Jean Varnier describes, to live hospitably, to live lives of welcome and invitation, lives that say “come in”, join in. Around twenty of us met and ate and talked and broke bread together on Sunday. I spoke for a few minutes about living our community lives outwardly and intentionally, and then we ‘greeted’ one another with the Maori Honghi welcome I’d learnt in New Zealand. The kids loved it. And so did I… this is the beginning of the next phase of our lives, I’m sure…'
(extract from Toggie Tales!)

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Dans' 23rd Birthday at Beekash!

Soley was on top form as was Dan ofcourse! A good curry had by all and the longest and loudest Birthday song every played through resturaunt speakers! The whole curry house joined in singing and even swaying and dancing in unison while the rest of us were rendered speechless. Finally after no less than 5 verses, (one about Donald and Rupert and all his friends?) and a breakdown to accapella!?! one of the waiters decided it might be time to press the stop button.

After which it was back to Dans for freestyling.


Drews' Spiritual Extravaganza!

All brough different topics from the Bible to discuss and majored in on discussions about 'Heaven' and 'The Kingdom of God'.
Any more thoughts/verses? feel free to add!