I entered the room and was met by the rain and tropical sounds of birds (like a monsoon) a white light was beginning to hint its way in. Then after a long pause of listening to the sound of the rain, out of nowhere it seemed, music from the i-pod began to play.
I must admit, having put the white paper on the floor myself yesterday, one of my first thoughts were... how did the paper on the floor get so rugged? but then I remembered that there has been mention of alot of dancing!
I knelt before the cross someone had drawn and tried to give everything to God. I then started to write names of our imediate community. I began to pray about reaching out to others and started drawing around my left hand as a sign of reaching out. As I was drawing backwards from the start I hit upon someone elses previous drawing which had two hands, ''We are His hands'. I took this as encouragement to keep going, this time tracing around my right arm which was harder to do but this became a symbolic act for me I really wanted to get into practice of reaching out. As I did this I came across more and more prayers written about reaching the lost and caring for the poor. It was great to feel like I was praying amongst other peoples prayers before me. I got to a point where I felt I should switch arms again and unknowingly my new drawing then met a right arm drawing I had made and the two arms clasped hands perfectly.
As I continued to pray the light from outside began to shine in full morning light.
I am so greatful for what God is doing in us!
Thankyou everyone for praying!!
Saturday, June 30, 2007
4 - 5am
A touch of heaven, the rain falling and the birds singing and peace. Gods love is for us is so evident in this world, he surrounds us with reminders of that, as I heard the rain falling harder and harder I felt his love penetrating all things, not leaving one stone unturned. God's gentle whispers come in those moments of peace, his love for us goes so deep its hard to believe. Teach me to seek you in all things and to hear that love and then to respond to it.
2 - 4am
As soon as I stepped into the room, God welcomed me with his arms wide open...tired and bewildered though I was, I knew that I wouldn't want to leave when my time was up...so many inspiring prayers...they are more open, searing, honest, beautiful, challenging than ever before...a community that can hear God's call for justice, to love others the way He loves us, to pray and stand with those who are being persecuted in His name, to speak up for those who have no voice, to challenge slavery, to face up to our own struggles, but at the same time, thanking God that he is Holy, Almighty, our Dad, friend, saviour, lover - our Hope and Faith forevermore...couldn't stop scampering from one side of the room to the other, over flowing with things I wanted to share with Jesus, things I wanted to scribble and draw, with Jesus inspiring me all the while...turned off the music to listen to the dawn chorus of birds bringing in a new day...what a symbol of hope that God has blessed us with everyday - that darkness will always give itself up to the light of day - just as Jesus banishes the dark wherever he is present...what an amazing creator God is! Thinking as well about heaven and our REAL home - thank you God for your incredible promises to us...
Thank you everyone who has prayed and will pray! Thank you, Jesus for this community. Amen!
Thank you everyone who has prayed and will pray! Thank you, Jesus for this community. Amen!
1 -2am
GOd is good! He knows my heart is to meet with Him and He organises me so I can be aware of His presence and blessing. I am reminded that heaven is my home and I choose the path that Jesus has trodden before me and the world doesn't understand it but JESUS does, I love Him!
I forget sometimes that I live by faith and that this unfeelingness of emotion or lack of physical reaction is no indicator of how I am with God, He loves me and He is at hand, the more I move towards faith the freer i become in my relationship with my Dad, I trust Him, He holds my hand evennow. This life is His, good.
Found a star in the sole of my sock, my dreams tread with me as I walk on the winding path and passages. I'm unsure of the direction or consequences of the journey but i know i'm ok and I was born for such a time as this...
Praise Him! Honour praise and glory are Yours now and forever!
I forget sometimes that I live by faith and that this unfeelingness of emotion or lack of physical reaction is no indicator of how I am with God, He loves me and He is at hand, the more I move towards faith the freer i become in my relationship with my Dad, I trust Him, He holds my hand evennow. This life is His, good.
Found a star in the sole of my sock, my dreams tread with me as I walk on the winding path and passages. I'm unsure of the direction or consequences of the journey but i know i'm ok and I was born for such a time as this...
Praise Him! Honour praise and glory are Yours now and forever!
11.00pm - 1.00am
not really sure I can put any coherent thoughts down! Am just amazed again at the awesomeness of God, and humbled. I find it hard to really believe what I know sometimes. I am loved, but I don't feel loveable, am accepted but don't feel I deserve it. Want to live a simple, genuine faith, but spend too much time complicating things, thinking about myself when I should be praying for others, feeling like a fraud. I know this - I love Jesus - I don't even feel worthy to say that much of the time, but I do, I love Jesus. It really is all about Jesus, pure and simple. What a friend we have in Him! Really touched reading in Pete Greigs book, God on Mute, about the guy who wrote that hymn and the story behind it, a hymn borne of experience of raw pain alongside knowledge of eternal hope, and trust in a God who really does care, fact.
Good prayer slot, I felt the overall result was positive, I started with some worship, trying to get in tune with God, the environment was very condusive for this purpose and I would say I felt very much connected to God. I managed to unravel some thoughts that had been going through my mind lately and felt like I had communicated where I am personally with God, which obviously God knows but through doing this have felt very encouraged and supported. I was not actually looking for anything in particular, no words or anything, and it was not as though I was asking for anything from God, I think I was just really looking to spend some much needed time with our father, at points I did try to do some praying for other people, and the only prayer that I could whole heartedly pray was 'Father, let your will be done in our lives.' I've been feeling this prayer running through our community for some time and personally know that God is slowly bending me to take up more of an obedient posture and really searching for 'his will', to be honest I think it is the attitude or process of searching for God's will that is more important than the actual specific thing God may want us to do, I believe God is really trying to just get me into a workable position, a true disciple who is ready to take on greater things, I'm not there yet but felt good from the prayer session.
So good to look at the globe and thank God for all the countries we have had the privilege of visiting---to think and pray for all our friends from around the world to remember how many are persecuted for their faith and to never to take for granted the freedom we have to pray and worship in this country and to use that freedom to it's maximum whatever that may mean.
Not wood, Matting or wool supported our feet but a carpet of prayers,prayers which surrounded the globe illuminating this room with all worries, woes and struggles enveloped by the invisible, unspoken cries beyond words uniting with the Father in a desire to see all things reclaimed and redeemed for His glory. "As the waters cover the sea" These are the prayers from the saints in Romford.
Not wood, Matting or wool supported our feet but a carpet of prayers,prayers which surrounded the globe illuminating this room with all worries, woes and struggles enveloped by the invisible, unspoken cries beyond words uniting with the Father in a desire to see all things reclaimed and redeemed for His glory. "As the waters cover the sea" These are the prayers from the saints in Romford.
6 - 8pm
very peaceful and relaxing although i did do a bit of a dance!!!i prayed about china and the church there and for unity of the church worldwide, and then i prayed for adventures and for us to never be limited by our dreams and to think big, outside of our own situation, looking at pictures of the world and seeing how vast it is for inspiration. very glad i did it, good to spend time with the Lord!!!
Wonderful to be in a prayer room again, so geared up for Esme to pray with us too. At 18 months old she prays with crayons, spinning around to our worship, saying 'Bibe-oh' (Bible) and munching her way through half a loaf of bread! We read the story of Noah (although Esme was more fascinated by the picture of Abel lying dead on the opposite page!), prayed that she'd be filled with the Holy Spirit (and the unborn baby too), prayed that she'd know God in an earthy and natural way without some of the struggles of church 'stuff' that some of us have known.
Despite all our weakness and distractions, God loves to meet with us in these special places...
Thanks, Lord, for your gracious generosity.
Ian (with Helen, Esme and Pea)
Despite all our weakness and distractions, God loves to meet with us in these special places...
Thanks, Lord, for your gracious generosity.
Ian (with Helen, Esme and Pea)
What a privilege it is to be part of this community - committed to following Jesus, prayer, loving the lost, shared meals and shared lives. What an impact we can have! We carry the love and presence and fragrance of Jesus with us everywhere we go. Lord we humble ourselves. Our lives are yours.
Chance to just "be" with God was great. Took me a while to empty my mind of all the stuff that crowds in. "Dancers who dance upon injustice" & the story of David dancing for joy in front of God spoke to me. Thanks for the space to be quiet before God.
Having this space was a real blessing. I remembered the world, and that the life we have is good!! Sometimes it just takes a bit of time to remember that. Also had a bit of a dance for all the good God has promised us and for all the hardtimes that we will endure TOGETHER. It never seems so hard when we're together. Thanks Ros and Jon for providing the space and atmosphere. Love Sue.
24-1 PRAYER 07

White paper covered the floor and in the centre Ros wrote, 'This is Holy Ground'.
We spent some time meditating on God and then Ros read from a childrens Bible the story of Moses and the burning bush. We sang together, 'This is the place, where dreams are found, where vision comes, called... Holy Ground'.
Our voices rose and we continued to sing together with our own songs.
Thomas and Oscar wrote inspiring words as we prayed.
Ros read from her book of First Hymns, 'Those Green Hills Far Away', which depicts the crucifixion of Jesus. Rob said how, having sung that hymn as a child for years the words really came together and took on real meaning this time when they were read out.
We broke bread and shared the wine and raised our voices once more to welcome God into the room to have His way with us over the next 23 hours!
Come Lord Jesus!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy;
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy;
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
I have often been inspired by St. Francis of Assisi's prayer. Hoping it guides us in our service of the Lord and others this week.
Love and blessings,
drewSaturday, June 09, 2007
Sunday - 10/6/07
(write a list of names of people to pray for in our community)
Lord Jesus, please bless our community...
May we grow together in your Spirit, becoming more like you each day.
(feel free to bring any words you feel God has spoken to the community meal to share with that person or people)
Thanks guys, hope you've enjoyed!
See you for lunch!
Lord Jesus, please bless our community...
May we grow together in your Spirit, becoming more like you each day.
(feel free to bring any words you feel God has spoken to the community meal to share with that person or people)
Thanks guys, hope you've enjoyed!
See you for lunch!
Friday, June 08, 2007
Saturday - 9/6/07
'In My Fathers House'
(If the links don't work, try cutting and pasting into your browser)
You can download the track from i-tunes for just 79p!
(If the links don't work, try cutting and pasting into your browser)
You can download the track from i-tunes for just 79p!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Monday, June 04, 2007
Sunday, June 03, 2007
MONDAY - 4/6/07
Jesus, I give to you all my worries and concerns for the week ahead,
and begin this week with you...

Christ be with me, Christ within me,Christ behind me, Christ before me,Christ beside me, Christ to win me,Christ to comfort and restore me.Christ beneath me, Christ above me,Christ in quiet, Christ in danger,Christ in hearts of all that love me,Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.
I bind unto myself today the strong name of the Trinity.
and begin this week with you...

Christ be with me, Christ within me,Christ behind me, Christ before me,Christ beside me, Christ to win me,Christ to comfort and restore me.Christ beneath me, Christ above me,Christ in quiet, Christ in danger,Christ in hearts of all that love me,Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.
I bind unto myself today the strong name of the Trinity.
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