Storytelling for Small Ones had a theme this time - TREES! We went on a journey to Ghana in Africa and found out about the story of the cocoa bean - with ACTIONS! Then we sat in the garden and drew our favourite trees. As you can see from the photos, we made a forest out of them, with Esme actually BEING a tree, wrapping it all around her!
after that, we listened to a story about The Giving Tree under the lilac tree. It was very beautiful but a bit sad as well, because the tree gave everything she had to a boy she loved...
...Then we dressed up in the TeePee Tent (thanks to Jo) and told our own stories! As it was Will's birthday (hooray!) we also had lovely cakes (thanks to Emma) and sang 'Happy Birthday' really loudly :)
Many thanks for all those who attended - the next one will be on Saturday 20th October at 2pm! Hope to see you small ones there again...
13th June @ Sarah & Dewi's 27th June @ 40 Kingston Road ...for friendship and food, breaking bread and prayer together. *all welcome* - just let the hosts know beforehand if you can
daily (midday): the Lord's Prayer, wherever we are, whoever we're with
weekly: open prayer evening, Tuesdays @ 8.30pm, usually at Rosi & Jon's
monthly: 24-1prayer - 24hours of continuous prayer, in one of our homes (email for ongoing dates and details). + 3rd/4th July @ Newmans/Toggies + 7th/8th August @ ? + 4th/5th September @ ?
we pray regularly about human trafficking and justice, and we're exploring ways to engage in these issues locally. to find out more about that, please email caroline at, or sue at
we're also involved in helping to host weeks of prayer in local schools - so far in Frances Bardsley School for Girls, St Edwards C/E, Coopers Coburn School, Davenant, Bower Park, Gaines. Others coming soon! (contact phil on for more info)
Bible Study: random Sunday afternoons @ Drew & Sue's
...and MUCH MORE
story-telling in the tee-pee, parties and barbeques, front-room gigs, all kinds of adventures... sharing lives