Dear friends,
We'd be grateful for your prayers today... I've just got back from a trip to A&E with Emma. For the past two days she's been having pains in her side, in the same place she had them back in December. They've been worse this morning, but not like they were at the end of last year. The A&E docs say that we need to get her June cyst-follow-up appointment pulled forwards. Emma's in bed now. We're still praying for Jesus to heal her.
The Moravian Daily Prayer for 29th April last year reads, "Holy Spirit, teach us how to pray. Help us to take time to reflect quietly amidst a bustling world. Give us the peace that Jesus promised. Help us to come to know you so that we may fulfill our role in your eternal purpose, in the name of Jesus. Amen."
Amen to that. Jesus, teach us how to pray.
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A few things;
//the Parliament week of prayer, Tuesday 6th - Friday 9th May
If you're free at all next week, please consider popping into London and joining in with the prayer walking and other events that 24-7prayer are hosting around Westminster. The prayer walking (around the Parliament/Whitehall area) kicks off at 10.30am on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and at 4pm on Friday. If you come along, I can probably get you in on some of the prayer stuff happening inside Parliament afterwards... which is always fun. :o) All of the details are on this website;

//community meals and gatherings
There wasn't many of us at Rosi & Jon's on Sunday, but we had a great time - it was good to have Anna & Tim with us again, and Pat & Dave Bilbs. Rosi cooked up some amazing food, and talked a bit about learning to "trust Jesus" more. We ate and we prayed and we broke bread together, and then I told a few stories from my recent trip to the States, visiting 24-7 Boiler Room communities... they inspired me a lot!