Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Prayer night

Last night we (Tim, Anna, Rich, Jon, Ros) prayed... open our eyes God to see with eyes of faith when we look at our town. Start with us! Tim had an image of a image of protection and offence but shields also have a 'crest', an identity and Tim prayued for the identity of our church/community. Anna had the word 'Play' come to mind and began praying about the loss of childhood that she has felt in the area when she has seen different kids in the streets and prayed for Ros' storytelling, that God would use her gift and vision to counteract and soften the hardness in childrens' hearts.
Richard then prayed for our kids, Togwells, Newmans, Acott...and our prayer flowed from there much like a natural conversation with God as we then prayed for Megan in her move to Francis Bardsley school which led onto us praying for God's influence on that school.
I'm quite keen to record these prayers in our blog because I know we'll look back on them together and see over time how God has answered them and used us. These nights have been really special and we want to try and somehow keep it up every week. It's amazing how God opens our hearts in these moments and really inspires us and stirs our faith. By the end of the night its like we've come away having cought a little more of God's vision for our lives.

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