The Big Christmas House Warming Party lasted all day from 11am till late/early where the Togwells and Newmans entertained 114 guests throughout the day in their new home! Heres yet another little extract from Toggietales...

"Pete and Alma (above) live a few doors away. When they arrived, Pete handed me a bottle of wine as a house-warming gift... I almost dropped it when I read the label - ACACIA HILL. "Why did you buy this wine?" I demanded, probably a little too crazily. Pete muttered something in reply, as I hurriedly explained... "We're thinking of calling our house 'acacia' - it's incredible that you would buy this wine... one, I admit, I've never heard of.""
...go here http://toggietales.typepad.com/toggie_tales/2007/12/christmas-house.html#more to read more!
I personally enjoyed the huge amounts of chilli con carne, and the whisky Phil offered us that came from the House of Lords! Also, a few things I descovered... a whole day of washing up without rubber gloves on can make your knuckles bleed, as I noticed with Phils!?! Also... Gell knows a thing or to about polotics and Dewi knows a lot about Cuban cigars! :)

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