Thought I'd just post my thoughts about saying thanks on our birthdays as I didn't feel I communicated myself very well at our community meal today! I know it's random but there we are!
I was just reading something about celebrating birthdays and how we can think about getting a year older, but I guess I was struck by how, for each of us to get a year older, God shows Her/His faithfulness.
I guess being pregnant with a child is a miracle in itself, to carry your child each week further through it's development is another miracle, to then give birth and to have a healthy baby is yet another miracle, to then help your baby grow from one week, month to the next is another miracle. I know that I have been greatly blessed in having got pregnant twice and having 2 children. I know that many others aren't as blessed as Ian and me to varying degrees along that process.
And Then . . . God has not only blessed us with children but also provided for us, simply fed us, clothed us, given us rest and peace (again I others who don't have this), given us friends and family and fun, given us health. And much more than this.
And so I'll get to my point now! I think that our birthdays are an opportune moment for us to thank God for sustaining us, blessings us, being with us, showing us miracles . . . For us to have some healthy rhythms of prayer. We may be a year older but what a year of God showing Her/His favour and faithfulness.
Thanks Jesus, help us to be creative in recognising that You're with us.
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