I've been wondering all evening how to sum up the final day of our prayer room in Frances Bardsley School for Girls. For some of the students (and perhaps the staff too?) today has been a very special day... of fun and laughter, of much-needed peace... and for some, of tears. But maybe I should just let them sum it up?
Here are a few of the 6th former's end-of-week reflections... firstly, B (my favourite, just because it looks so beautiful [grin]);

...and R, who told me she wasn't really "religious or anything". She hung around, spent time in the Be Yourself and Be Still zones, then popped out and brought some friends back with her... and then, a couple of hours later, wrote this;

It was interesting to note the change in the atmosphere of the room over the week... it seemed to affect everyone who visited, and many of them commented on it. "It's so peaceful in here", "You can really feel the difference in here", "I don't want to leave... I feel so relaxed in here".
Most 24-7prayer rooms experience this same phenomenon. As the week progresses and the prayers of students and staff literally fill the room (check out the Prayer Wall pics below, and compare them to earlier in the week!), something else seems to linger in the room as well. A peaceful Presence. And his name, of course, is Jesus.
All this week, students and staff have been 'asking' and 'knocking' and 'seeking' after God in their struggles and circumstances, with silent prayers and words on post-it notes. It shouldn't be a surprise that some have found God... have felt God's presence with them in very real ways, even for the first time.
Because God wants to be found.
Read more from Phil at http://toggietales.typepad.com/toggie_tales/2008/11/frances-bardsley-prayer-room-day5.html#more
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