Tonight we gathered for our weekly time of prayer together. Phil arrived with his 'new hair', Miranda, Tim, Anna, and a little later came Emma , who brought along her beautiful croched blanket, which she continued to weave throughout the night. Phil ordered a Chai Tea, (looks like I may have converted him!), we shared things that have been happening in our lives, worries, fears, excitement, choices and then we laid it all before our Father in heaven, and heard him speak through us in many creative ways. Emma described it beautifully when she prayed, thanking God for the exciting stories in this room, the rich tapestry you are weaving together through our lives. We stood around Anna like a human sheild as we prayed for protection, a symbol that she is not alone, that we walk ad pray with her, Ros laid a blanket before Miranda as we prayed for her future and all that God has for her. There were many amazing words spoken, and I'm so greatful for what God is doing in us...Tim training to become an assistant manager, Phil starting prayer rooms in schools, Anna's amazing work with the kids in her class. Thankyou Father, protect us and continue to guide us in the ways of your love.
J0N (& Ros)

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