What a beautiful day! The sun shone.
The children played... playmobil, couronne and Skalextric inside... badminton outside. The adults played too... and then we ate Emma's amazing food, and talked and prayed together. Beautiful.
Gathered around the table, it was good to share little bits of our lives... Jon's front-room mini-gig went really well last night... Drew has been having great conversations with his students at school... Jo is feeling the pressure of end-of-term busyness... Sue is hoping to get a part in The Tempest in York... Dewi has got work-exams this week... Rosi is still seeking the right role at Comic Relief... Richard mentioned friends in China who need our prayers... I asked everyone to keep praying for Poppy...
And then, as we broke bread and drank wine together, I read this from today's Celtic Daily Prayer book entry;
"I read a story about a boy who lost a dog in New York City. As he walked up and down the streets, systematically and slowly, a friend complained that he wasn't even looking for the dog. He answered, 'I'm not looking for him. I'm letting him find me. Sooner or later, he will discover the trail I am putting down and follow until he comes to me.'"
The writer goes on to say that Jesus is not looking for "converts". Jesus simply lays down a trail that people find, at different points in their lives, and follow until they find him. And he does this through us.
As we prayed for one another, for our own needs and struggles, we also asked Holy Spirit to help us lay down trails in our conversations with neighbours and friends, in our shopping and working and walking-around lives... trails that carry Jesus scent somehow, trails that others can follow and find him.
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