Many months ago, we talked about developing a regular 'rhythm of prayer'...
+ a daily rhythm, praying the Lord's Prayer wherever, and with whoever, at 12 midday every day,
+ a weekly rhythm, every Tuesday evening for an hour or more... mostly at Rosi and Jon's house
+ and a monthly rhythm, praying 24 hours (24-7 style) over one weekend every month.
Not to replace our own personal prayer lives, of course. And not to replace the time we pray with partners, families, friends. The opposite in fact... praying regularly to help us learn how to pray... and how to live out Paul's challenge, to "pray continually". I heard someone this weekend end say; "Prayer have legs. 9 time out of 10 they're your own."
Jesus disciples would have prayed probably every day of their lives, and yet they saw something in the way he prayed, in the way he addressed and knew 'Abba' that made them realise how shallow and lifeless and powerless their own prayers were. And so they asked him, "teach us how to pray?"
John Wesley said that we learn to pray by praying. We have often said that we want our lives to be marked, stained, woven-through, fragrant with prayer. If you're like me, you'll be aware of just how shallow, lifeless and powerless your own prayers are. So let's learn how to pray by praying.
Let's set our watches/phones for 12midday... (I've ended up praying the Lord's Prayer with some surprised people!)
Let's set aside Tuesday evenings for prayer at Rosi and Jon's. No agenda, just prayer...
And let's bring it all together every month by 'praying continually'. Rosi and Jon and us at 40 Kingston are happy to host these 24-hour sessions - we've booked in the first weekend of every month for the foreseeable future, so from 12midday on Saturday 4th until 12midday on Sunday 5th July, the prayer room at 40 Kingston Road will be open.
I'll send a rota later this week - please have a think about when, and with who you'd like to book some hour-slots (I think we're going to have to jump to 24-2s pretty soon). And just so you know, some other believers, friends from other churches have been asking, and some would like to come join with us too... let's welcome them warmly and pray together. :o)
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