Once again God remained the centre of our conversation between Him and with each other!
We began by thanking God for our time last night, freedom from our fears. We meditated on what David had shared about stepping out of the boat, and how Peter first listened for God's voice calling back. We asked God to show us what the 'boat' might mean for us individually and as a community and where he may be calling us to step out into.
Ros had the word WONDER! Wonder of God, wonder of people. A child like simplicity to love one another.
Tim shared how he felt God wanted to kiss us, a big intimate kiss. He felt that stepping out of the boat meant for us moving into a deeper intimacy, and read from Hebrews 4 v 16 ...therefore we can come BOLDLY to the throne. Also that worship reminds us of who God is, so we know his grace and are then able to share it. He also talked about having grace for the little things, not just the big things, which can sometimes be easier, but having grace for the everyday things that can irritate.
Emma and Wendy shared about being open with each other, asking for help, being vulnerable, deeper relationship with God and each other. Trusting God and trusting each other.
We talked about honouring people, sharing our lives and our stories not just in opening our homes. We prayed for God to reveal to us ways we can be more open with each other, and create spaces we can do so.
Clare reminded us of prayer as the first and last resort, the power of praying in earnest in times of darkness (JAMES 5 v13- 18).
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