The Community meal was at ours this week and Ros began by reading out this prayer (above) which we have on our prayer wall. She prayed that these community meals would one day soon provide for those who are without food, and we would have the privaledge of opening our homes to those who need it most. This was followed by a great Amen!
It was so great to have my cousin Rebecca and Phil's friends Tim and Anna join us! We hope you enjoyed your time with us and hope to see you again soon guys!!
After a great stew cooked by Ros and veggie option from Sarah, Emma unvieled yet another fine Birthday cake for Sarah Walters, who was away that day!?! We sang happy birthday for her anyway (and for Phil also!). Hopefully you were able to hear us Sarah! We did sing very loud!
'Oscar Newman', veteran harmonica player displayed his stop-start loud and louder 'thats what gets really them going' tallent. much to Ambers' dancing delight! :)
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