Friday night we had a curry round JOs! We then set off into the heart of Romfords' nightlife to pray over the clubs and bars and people. This was quite a big deal for me personally, having lived in Romford all my life but almost rejecting it at the same time. I've walked down this street hundreds and hundreds of times. After a great night out in the city, I usually try and ignore that moment when I step off the train in Romford and everyone is pouring out of the clubs embarissingly tarted up, rowdy and aggressive and out of it. The music especially is something I've learnt to love-to hate. However, I've found an amazing thing happens when your prayer walking. On one level I'm praying for the people I see and the clubs I walk past, for God to move in their lives and in these places... but at the same time God is doing something in me, changing the way I see this street, opening my eyes to see things he sees. In the hour or so we spent praying that night we met Street Pastors who were also praying, and have been doing so for many nights. I was particuarly inspired by an old lady I saw, who walked very slowly with her walking stick, praying for all the young people she passed. We should definatly do this reguarly! Who knows what incredible ways God may want to use us as we make ourselves available to him on nights like these.
It was great to have Drews' good friend Ian with us that night! Thanks for praying for a town you had only just arrived in!
Feel free to add any more thoughts guys!!
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